Friday, February 25, 2011

Election Follow Up

The election results came out Sunday- 68% for Musevani, 25% for the closest opponent. People seemed to take a long exhale- some with relief that violence was minimal and some with resignation. Stores that had been locked up for days opened- some of the grocery stores had almost empty shelves, presumably in preparation for looting. If Musevani had lost, people speculated that the military would have taken over (and Musevani is the military commander). If it had been close, it is likely that the opposition would have reacted more strongly. International observers gave a pass on the fairness of the elections though cited a heavy military presence as a source of intimidation, use of state funds for the ruling party, and some irregularities. Ruling party supporters felt convinced that the elections were fair. The leading opposition candidate called the observers 'election tourists' and he cited bribery, ballot stuffing, and wiping out voter names. I think that all of the opposition candidates have rejected the election results. They have called for peaceful protests, which people think may not be peaceful. At any rate, if they take place it will most likely be in Kampala, a long ways away from me.

Elections for local leaders took place on Wednesday. In Kampala, there were outbreaks of fighting after opposition supporters found stuffed ballot boxes in transit to the polls the night before the election. There was enough chaos that the elections in Kampala were called off about noon. So, no pictures this week as I've stayed away from fights and armed personnel carriers!

1 comment:

  1. Be careful.

    Pouring rain in Boston. Snow slowly being washed away. Might be gone by time you get home.
